54.3 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025
54.3 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Weighing In: China’s One-Child Policy: No U-Turn Ahead

This is a follow-up post on Alastair Su's blog post "Taking a Cue From Thailand's Mr Condom", looking specifically at China's one-child policy and...

Debunking Human Rights as “Anti-Chinese”

Last week's decision to award Chinese Liu Xiaobo with the Nobel Peace Prize was hailed by many around the world, but condemned by the...

Taking A Cue From Thailand’s Mr. Condom

Since its inception in 1978, China's one-child policy has always been marked by controversy. While the government has claimed that the policy has prevented...

Not our backyard but still our neighbors

With the gunshots subsiding and the police force under government censure for its attempted overthrow of Ecuador’s democratic president Rafael Correa, order appears to...

Ukraine’s Soul Search

Exactly eleven months ago yesterday I sat on a bus rattling its way through countryside on my way to L’viv, an artistic, cobblestone city in the...

A Shadow Falls On The Empire of the Sun

In his landmark book, The Clash Of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order, Samuel Huntington made the following prediction: East Asia could develop...

Bowing to the Chinese Century?

Thomas Friedman, yesterday, in this Times column, found his rhetorical flourish yet lost his practical sensibility. In a fairly particularly common theme for him,...

In Iraq, Messy is Better

A close election indicates a strengthening democratic process

Battlefield Juarez

Time is running out for the Mexican drug war

Secularism vs. Sharia

The threat of Islamism in Turkey is overblown