The United States’ withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership did not hinder trade in the Asia-Pacific region — instead, the emergence of the TPP’s successor agreement signified a continued commitment by powers in the region to ensure trade liberalization. More importantly, the withdrawal weakened its strategic ties in the region and opened the door for countries like China to further increase their influence there.
Democracy thrives when people show in public how different their beliefs are; disagreement makes our ideological fault lines clearer, giving people more ability to position themselves according to their needs and values.
Suspected of selling beef, Kalantus Barla was beaten to death by a mob of vigilantes in Jharkhand, India. While there have still been no arrests or convictions in the case, the alleged culprits were members of Bajrang Dal, a Hindu militant organization that espouses Hindutva, the philosophy that India ought to be a Hindu homeland, governed according to the principles of that religion.
2020 will mark the first time that millennials will constitute a larger portion of the electorate than baby boomers, presenting an opportunity for female voters aged 18-24 to flex their political muscles — that is, if they decide to show up.
Sex education in America is not as controversial as it seems ... but since Americans do not all agree on the best way to do it, sex-ed legislation is most effective when approached at the state or local level.
Since 2001, the United States has led three military inventions with the explicit goal of toppling foreign governments. In October 2001, less than one...
The world has taken more than 350 million selfies. Selfie-taking hordes have invaded popular tourist destinations, while the bathroom mirror selfie has not yet...
Activists within high school academic competitions have made impressive strides toward gender inclusivity, but with more information to propel those efforts, gains might be even less few and far between.
Two years have passed since China’s momentous ivory ban. Its effectiveness — and its shortcomings — speaks to the current and future status of wildlife crime, and calls for an investigation of all of the links in its twisted supply chain.