This is the metaphorical weight of cricket in India: a sport whose mythos transcends ethno-religious and caste-based fissures, and in which India’s current dominance constitutes pride and resistance in the face of cricket’s British-colonial roots. It is in cricket that the chimeric ideal of a united India inheres.
People do not wake up one day and spontaneously decide to butcher their neighbors. They are taught to fear. The Rwandan genocide did not start with slayings and the Holocaust did not start with gas chambers. Both events were preceded by a process of dehumanization in which marginalized groups were cast as enemies and outsiders.
In 2020 alone, the U.S. sold a total of $5.1 billion in arms to Taiwan, including missiles, rocket artillery, coastal defense systems, aerial reconnaissance drones, 66 F-16 jets, and other smaller packages. However, many of these systems will not be delivered for at least another year, and with growing U.S.-China tensions over Taiwan, the U.S. should take this delivery time to reconsider these sales.
Election results from Tuesday’s fourth election indicate both Netanyahu and his rivals could face a daunting task to muster a majority coalition: Uniting sprawling political factions divided on security, religious issues, and opinions of Netanyahu is a tough feat.
The Biden administration’s re-engagement with the international community and its recent extension of the New START Treaty, a different bilateral arms agreement with Russia, could indicate that the US is willing to rejoin the INF.
Conservatives across the globe are continuing to rally behind a scientifically debunked claim that climate change isn’t happening. If conservatives don’t get up to speed soon, they risk slipping further into the irrelevance of their old ways.
In modern multicultural Britain, there should be no adulation of figures like Rhodes, who orchestrated and oversaw the rise of an empire defined by genocide, racism and suppression.