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Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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United States

The Stewart-Colbert Factor

Blurring the line between comedy and journalism, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart possess a unique ability to raise political issues.

The Year of the Woman

The Harvard Political Review speaks to Stephanie Schriock, the president of EMILY's List, about the historic number of women elected in 2012.

New Faces in Washington: Meet the Senators (Part I)

HPR writers look at new arrivals in Washington, starting with the Senate.

The Monolingual Presidency

The popular nature of the American presidential primary system results in monolingual presidents, setting a poor example for the rest of the U.S.

Shooting Themselves in the Foot

The NRA's stubborn refusal to be a part of the solution puts the Second Amendment at risk.

The Real Burden of Our Young Generations

The United States needs to address the issue of hunger for it to succeed as a nation.

Obama's Judicial Philosophy

Barack Obama has been historically slow in nominating judges and surprisingly coy in establishing a judicial philosophy. What will be the President's judicial legacy?

The Future of the Republican Party

Four HPR writers give their thoughts on the future of the Grand Old Party.

Is It Time to Get Over Bowles-Simpson?

Bowles-Simpson does not transcend today's political issues but is rather one potential solution among many.

The Real Issue

Gun control may not be the real solution to America's problem with gun violence.