61.3 F
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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United States

Camelot 2.0? Kennedy and Obama's State of the Union Addresses

Barack Obama echoes John F. Kennedy in his State of the Union address, but he resides in quite a different political time.

HPR Staff Reacts to the State of the Union

Members of the HPR staff give their own reactions to the speech and share their favorite moments from the hour.

The Harvard College Model

The Future of Affirmative Action?

Republican Reaction to SOTU Night

Marco Rubio's State of the Union response strikes the right tone, while Barack Obama's SOTU marks an improvement.

The New Israel Lobby

How the conventional wisdom of U.S.-Israeli relations is being turned on its head

Why Science Writing Matters

This is why I’m writing a science policy column for the HPR: 95 weekly science sections in newspapers in 1989, 34 in 2005, 19 in...

Who's in Bed with Whom?

As the war in Afghanistan comes to a close, it is time to assess the altered relationship between the media and the military.

A Call for Capital Gains Tax Reform

Nicky Guerreiro makes the case for taxing hedge fund managers' fees as income, not capital gains.

New Faces in Washington: Meet the Senators (Part II)

HPR writers look at new arrivals in Washington, starting with the Senate.

Mazie Hirono: Breaking Barriers

Mazie Hirono has made history with her election to the Senate; now, she seeks to fill the large shoes of her state's legendary U.S. senators.