25 F
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
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United States

Rahm Emanuel: Another Chicago Politician?

Recent trends call into question Mayor Emanuel's promise of a break from Chicago's corrupt past.

The Degrading Force of Money in Politics

The amount of money in politics today distorts our democracy.

Investing in Our Future

Former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos has some insight that U.S. politicians should heed.

The Consequences of Ideology

The shutdown may be over, but the ideological rigidity that produced it remains

Against Obama's College Reform Plan

In his attempt to add accountability to Pell Grants, Obama threatens to undermine the purpose of the program.

American Drug Sentencing: Inefficient, Unfair, and Racially Discriminatory

Congress should pass the Justice Safety Valve Act and rid the criminal justice system of mandatory minimums.

The Problem with Pro-Choice Rhetoric

Pro-choice rhetoric unfairly criticizes pro-life advocates and contributes to increasing polarization.

The End of the Road?

Today's government shutdown has been a long time coming.

When Law Isn't Enough: The Health Ultimatum

Republicans undermine the legislative process through their government shutdown antics, while Democrats contribute to the problem by dismissing any changes to ObamaCare.

Don't Hold Us Hostage

The American people voted last November to keep the man who signed "ObamaCare" into law in office; Republicans need to give up the fight.