54.6 F
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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United States

Who Owns the 'Redskins'?

It may be time to examine the NFL's autonomy.

In Defense of Climate Change

A new survey suggests Americans react more emotionally to the phrase global warming than they do to the phrase climate change, but activists should continue to use the more scientifically accurate climate change.

From Courtrooms to Clinics

In its willingness to adopt best practices from other states and a high degree of public participation, Wisconsin can serve as a model for drug policy reform.

Net Neutrality: Not Dead Yet

The FCC must break with its half-hearted efforts to uphold net neutrality and seek bolder policies to promote competition in the market.

The Fourth-Wave First Lady

Michelle Obama's unique brand of feminism.

The GOP's Common Core Hypocrisy

In light of Republicans' recent history, their opposition to the education program makes little sense.

On Privilege: A Leftist Critique of the Left

The world in which we live is much more sinister than the simple, dichotomized image of “oppressed and oppressor” central to the politics of the old left.

It's Complicated

Analyzing the Millennials' complex relationship with Democrats.