27.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
27.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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United States

Solidarity Forever

Liberal expressions of unity defang the true radicalism of antiracist and anticapitalist movements. Real solidarity is understanding that your struggle is my struggle and that our greatest allies are each other.

A Revolutionary Perspective on Our Crisis, Part I

Both the calamity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the scourge of systemic racism are inextricably intertwined. If we are to cast off the political and social ineptitude that has marked our policies for generations, we must take this moment of large-scale societal change to implement progressive political change.

Reclaiming the Built Environment

To strike a better balance between driving and living, cities and towns must commit themselves to human-oriented planning and the urban design to support it.

Can a Woman Win the Presidency?

To combat the sexism that stands between women and the presidency, we must encourage women to run for office and vote for the women we believe in, so that it becomes normal to see a woman on the campaign trail — and, hopefully, in the White House.

Protests Are Necessary, but Must Be Safer

Institutional racism poses a serious danger to the health and safety of Black people. But the crowded and chaotic character of these protests poses a similarly lethal threat to the lives of immunosuppressed Americans.

What to America is Juneteenth?

With change and action, Juneteenth has the potential to be more than a symbol of injustice and cruelty. But if America does not address this bloody history, and supplants real action with merely a day off from work, our "sounds of rejoicing" will remain "empty and heartless."

Real Progressives Will Vote for Biden

Despite these serious issues, progressives cannot stay home on November 3. We have a responsibility to vote for Biden.

Kennedy’s White but He’s Alright: Lessons From a Blue-Eyed Soul Brother

On the night of April 4, 1968, despondent presidential hopeful Sen. Robert F. Kennedy climbed onto the back of a flat-bed truck in the...

Do Police Protests Work?

A Harvard Open Data Project offers compelling evidence that BLM protests decrease police violence against Black individuals as well as the population at large.

Prisons Are a Pandemic

The violence of prisons and jails is not incidental. Death — be it social, civil or physical — is fundamental to their existence.