Despite the lack of political will, it is time to limit both House and Senate incumbency to a maximum of 12 years in order to incentivize congressional action and decrease political complacency.
An ideal American democracy is not beholden to moneyed interests before the people it serves. It dismantles unjust and undemocratic systems. Sortition is not perfect, but it is far closer to this ideal than what we have.
As a first-year student on campus, there is also an unsettling feeling that comes with finishing meals from the Harvard University Dining Services. The post-meal sigh of satisfaction and fullness has also become a sigh for the environment.
However, Barrett’s confirmation was cataclysmic, completely shattering any remaining pretense of respect for precedents and thrusting the integrity of the Supreme Court to the long list of the nation’s most pressing issues. To put it differently, Republicans’ packing of the Court has left Democrats with no other option — there must be significant judicial reform.
When the people who live like “the middle class” are so widely detached from those who make up the middle-income bracket, is there truly an American middle class?
For the sake of our democracy, there should be no more presidential debates. Never again should our electoral process reward unchecked misinformation and empty words.
Intentions matter, and if the intentions for why certain voting reforms are either pushed or opposed are not examined, then our ability to improve our democracy will be significantly hindered.
Data has long been remembered as the bastion of objectivity in a particularly political era. Staring closer at the numbers, however, it is clear that there is arguably nothing more subjective than the cold, hard facts.