President Obama is not a pioneer of the illegal and offensive wars that the United States has engaged in during the last 20 years. But the use of drone strikes under his administration make him an international war criminal.
There’s one problem: the policies of contemporary American democratic socialists aren’t really socialist at all. Rather, progressives are actively misrepresenting their own views in the process of sloganeering.
Blood quantum, a means of quantifying a person’s Indigenous ancestry in the United States, has a bleak history as an erasive tool used by the federal government. Today, blood quantum remains inextricably tied to Indigenous identity, for better or for worse.
The cruelty of life behind bars is often exacerbated by the all-encompassing dehumanization of being silenced. Prison journalism is beneficial for reducing recidivism rates and shedding light on abuses and injustices that occur in prisons.
A new slate of progressives is rising up to challenge the status quo in Massachusetts, but the battle they will fight is uphill and marred with obstacles. If they are to win, progressives will need to put politics second and community first.