44.7 F
Friday, February 28, 2025
44.7 F
Friday, February 28, 2025
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United States

Seventy-One Million Dollar Questions

The Central Maine Power Corridor would bring renewable energy into the New England energy grid, helping reduce fossil fuel reliance in the region. Mainers are consistently sympathetic to environmental goals, yet nearly 60% of them voted against the project. How did this happen?

Conviction is Not Justice

Carceral justice in America cannot make up for the deaths of Rittenhouse’s victims, nor for Jacob Blake, whose shooting they were protesting. We should instead shift our focus to ensure our policies and laws reflect our morals.

Involuntary Servitude: How Prison Labor is Modern Day Slavery

While one may argue that incarcerated people should be satisfied to have any work or income at all, the conditions of their “employment” are not livable.

Recent History: The Deadly Record of American Bipartisanship

The fear of hyperpartisan politics dominates political discourse across local and national media. But when looked at through a historian's lens, bipartisanship has resulted in the most destructive domestic and foreign policies in recent history.

No Love For The Living: The Canonization Of Martin Luther King

In all of the struggles that he found himself a part of, there was a profound honesty and integrity that came with him. Perhaps, on this day, we can finally begin a trend of honest discourse that lives up to the truth-seeking reverend from Georgia.

Mother or Money? The Exorbitant Cost of Phone Calls from Jail

Human connection is a human right. A child should always be able to talk to their parents; a partner should always be given the right to talk to their significant other.

It’s Time to Rethink Congressional Discipline

We need to revamp congressional disciplinary protocol. Representatives should be held accountable for dangerous actions, and the censure — while sometimes sufficient — isn’t always enough. It’s time to rethink accountability within Congress.

Can a Blue Dog District Learn New Tricks? Examining Illinois’s 10th Congressional District

In a district which has not voted for a Republican nationally in decades, it would seem as though there would be room for a progressive in Illinois' 10th Congressional District. But moderate Rep. Brad Schneider went without a primary challenge in 2020.

Meet Amazon’s Prime Target

With Sawant’s consistent opposition to Amazon, it should come as no surprise that she has consistently been a top target of Amazon’s. Now, however, Sawant faces another political challenge in the form of the upcoming recall election against her.

No Eye for an Eye: Excessive Punishment in America

One out of seven people are therefore being deprived of their chance for education, rehabilitation, and reintegration. These individuals deserve a second chance, because they are human.