While AI applications show promise in advancing medical decision-making and care, the lack of diversity in training data can disseminate biases and aggravate healthcare disparities.
In a world failing to decarbonize quickly enough, solar geoengineering has the potential to buy humanity time before feeling the worst effects of global warming. The complex nature of geopolitics alongside the potential consequences of solar geoengineering makes for a difficult political battlefield.
Despite recent patent challenges and modifications to the extent of march-in rights, universally accessible medical treatments are still a far-fetched fantasy.
TikTok’s mainly-Gen Z user base and its power to shape candidates’ public personas makes it a crucial battleground in the 2024 U.S. election, which is all about qualitative judgments.
Last December, the Federal Trade Commission settled with Rite Aid after alleging that the company had failed to take the most basic precautions against...
To deconstruct the prejudice against Asians as robotic, all communities must challenge the internal and external prejudices that reduce Asians to a monolith of math-oriented, unfeeling workers.
When the U.S. Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Alphabet, Google’s parent company, it is easy to understand how most people’s instinctive reaction was in support of the $1.7 trillion company. However, if the judge, Amit P. Mehta, does, in fact, rule against Google, it will be a win for all consumers worldwide.
Studies have shown that diseases that primarily impact men receive more funding than diseases that primarily impact women nearly three-quarters of the time.