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Saturday, October 5, 2024
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The Best Case For Each Harvard House

When Housing Day arrives, the annual tradition during which first-years learn which of Harvard's 12 residential communities they will live in for the next three years, it arguably becomes one of the most exciting days of the year.

Lessons from a UC Meeting

The task before the new UC leadership is no small one, but they are uniquely positioned to address the issues posed by distance and diversity and may end their term with more student support than what they started with.

COVID-19 Campus Move-Out: A Harvard Student’s Story

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc8ONYPnclo&t=5s In response to growing fears over the spread of coronavirus in the U.S., Harvard University administration had students evacuate their dorms in a week's...

Removing Structural Barriers to Let the Youth Vote

Young people turn out to the polls less not because they are apathetic about voting but rather, because they face structural barriers to doing so. Harvard Votes Challenge is working to change that.

HPR Coronavirus Coverage: Student Life Across College Campuses

Students everywhere have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Many have moved out of their colleges, switched to online learning, and been left questioning what the future holds. This piece is a collection of stories from across student experiences.

Grading Policies: C is for Coronavirus

Harvard did not consult students before or after rolling out its first change to grading: extending the pass-fail deadline. For our grading policy to prioritize student well-being and educational equity, Harvard needs to initiate communication with students, not work around them until complaints are received. 

Finding the Future in the Past

Do not believe that staying up-to-date on the newest trends in academia will better prepare you for the future than reading old ideas.

In the Time of Coronavirus, We Can’t Forget About Mental Health

The university’s horrific incompetence and lack of consideration for its rapid eviction of students is symptomatic of an institutional problem: Harvard is not treating its students with the full humanity each one of us deserves.

Make Harvard Grade Again

Grade inflation may placate students and faculty, but it is not an honest reflection of student performance, and the secrecy surrounding Harvard’s grading process only perpetuates the issue.

The University as a Battleground

When thousands show up to demand justice for all, Harvard has no choice but to listen.