27.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
27.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Harvard Law Professor Denies ‘Comfort Women’ Tragedy, Sparks Controversy

If students, academics, and politicians continue to push back against revisionist histories like Ramseyer’s, perhaps the road to reconciliation on the "comfort women" issue will be shorter than expected.

Pre-Med Pandemic Reflections: How to Scrape the Coconut

This is an argument in favor of breaks. An argument in favor of downtime, in favor of individuality, in favor of the idea that you are not just a transcript or a resume, that you are a whole person.

Harvard, Fix Your Summer Funding! Sincerely, FGLI Students

After a year of hardship, Harvard needs to encourage students to take advantage of the virtual format of internships, volunteer work, and summer school and allow for appropriate multiple sources of funding.

The Making of a Political Undergraduate

Five undergraduates reflect on how they understand their education to be political.

Do My Professors’ Politics Matter?

Sixteen percent of students replied that Harvard should be able to hire known racist or white supremacist teachers, often citing that cancel culture overuses and misuses these labels.

Racist Pseudoscience Has No Place At Harvard

Harvard has allowed itself to be exploited by a white supremacist feigning a false equivalency for political gain.

FGLI Freshmen Want Transformation, Not Isolation

Harvard is taking advantage of our desire for the freshman experience we imagined as we applied to college, arbitrarily sacrificing our first year to scour for room and board fees like a kid flipping couch cushions for loose change. Harvard knows the Class of 2024 is starved for a crumb of normalcy

The Endowment is Not the Issue

Complaints about Harvard's massive endowment are common, but that ire is misdirected; a shift in focus would better actualize any changes student activists want.

Essentializing Essential Workers

We must hold our own institutions accountable for their harm by standing in solidarity with their workers.

The Fate of Harvard’s International Students

The new ICE policy is misguided and harmful to international students, but there is hope that Harvard can find a way to ensure that all can learn despite these trying times.