31.1 F
Monday, March 3, 2025
31.1 F
Monday, March 3, 2025
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Lifting Spirits: Analyzing School Spirit and Social Solidarity Among Harvard’s Student Body

It’s no secret: If colleges were graded on the school spirit of the student body, Harvard would earn an F. Why has Harvard failed to foster this collective culture that is so celebrated elsewhere?

Involuntary Servitude: How Prison Labor is Modern Day Slavery

While one may argue that incarcerated people should be satisfied to have any work or income at all, the conditions of their “employment” are not livable.

Let Us Pee in Peace

In order to take a much-needed step towards a genderless world, we must de-gender bathrooms.

Same-Day Registration, Same Old Tricks

A Democratic supermajority not backed by Democratic policies is meaningless, and it’s well past time to bring meaning back to our state politics.

Mother or Money? The Exorbitant Cost of Phone Calls from Jail

Human connection is a human right. A child should always be able to talk to their parents; a partner should always be given the right to talk to their significant other.

Combating College Voter Suppression

By taking an active stance against voter suppression, Harvard can truly uphold its institutional commitment to producing “the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society.”

No Eye for an Eye: Excessive Punishment in America

One out of seven people are therefore being deprived of their chance for education, rehabilitation, and reintegration. These individuals deserve a second chance, because they are human.

The Intellectual Gold Rush: “Gems” at Harvard

Gem-chasing is an unfortunate stain on an otherwise beautiful culture of collaboration and inspiration that the community collectively aims to develop.

Criminals Are Human, Too: An Argument for Reform

Over the course of this semester, this column will explore inhumane aspects of the criminal legal system, sometimes proposing alternatives and sometimes just bearing witness to these practices and spreading awareness of them. I hope you will join me.

What We Owe to Those Who Did Not Make It

As we proceed with our first full semester on campus, we must consider what we owe to those who did not make it. Be compassionate. Wear a mask. Stick to your testing schedule. Don’t just do it because it’s required — do it for the people you may never meet, in hopes that they, too, might make it. It’s what we owe to those that didn’t make it.