63.1 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
63.1 F
Monday, March 31, 2025
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HPRgument Blog

Weighing in: Nuclear Power, a Long-Term View

The benefits of nuclear energy must be weighed against the future costs.

Yes Afghanistan Can

Afghanistan can escape the resource curse that has plagued countries like Congo and Nigeria.

The Recall Works: Alvarez Ousted in Florida

Pay raises for friends and a new BMW don't add up to fiscal responsibility.

Food Deserts, Annenberg, and a Spending Problem Worth Noticing

Reducing the economic and social burden of Type II diabetes in America starts at 7-Elevens.

Is the Rally Enough?

It's been a joy watching rallies erupt all across the world. From late February to early March alone, we've seen rallies in the Middle...

Time to Get a New Homepage…

... if Firefox currently opens to the NY Times but you don't want to pay the $15 per month that an online subscription will...

Palin for President? Think Again

Sarah Palin's moment has passed. Even if she enters the GOP primary, her popularity has wilted and her style doesn't suit a legitimate run.

The White Question

Are we ready for white interest groups?

Japan and Broken Windows

The myth of "productive destruction" in the wake of the disaster in Japan

What is Gov 2.0?

Here's a talk I gave last semester on the subject of "What is Gov 2.0?" It begins a bit slowly; you might want skip...