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Sunday, September 29, 2024
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GenEd 101: Learning About Failure

Well, we should embrace failure. When we devote time to process it and separate our actions from our abilities, we allow ourselves to understand failure’s enduring importance. We realize the right motivations that bring us forward

Media’s Dangerous Ignorance of Missing People of Color

The media is a powerful tool that can be used to make people aware about issues taking place outside of their communities, but it only works when the issues are actually being responsibly represented, and not being portrayed in an apathetic way.

The Cultural Economics of Quitting

The sunk costs fallacy is a term coined by economists that denotes a phenomenon motivating people to continue pursuing a goal or activity simply because they have already invested a lot of time, money, or effort into the project.

Why I Might Not Sign My Daughter Up for Gymnastics

As I reflect on the sport I left behind, time has revealed gymnastics' capacity to harm just as much as it enriches.

The Weapon of the Century: Contemporary Politics Through the TikTok Algorithm

With its foolproof and politically intuitive algorithm distinct from any other, Tiktok has become the new and invincible creator of political echo chambers in the 21st century. 

When Art Met Activism: The 2021 Met Gala

Embedded within the elegance, oddities and confusion of the 2021 Met Gala — themed "In America: A Lexicon of Fashion" — was another quintessential component of American culture — activism.

The Dangerous Subtlety of the Alt-Right Pipeline

A narrow discussion of the alt-right pipeline’s threat means that the full scope of the issue is rarely addressed. I speak from personal experience when I say that failing to address the alt-right pipeline as a complex and hyper-present issue only serves to make it stronger.

Never Have I Ever Season 2 is Representation Done Right

What the second season does, in a slow-burn, warm-glow kind-of-way, is show viewers that an Indian girl, just like any other girl, can learn to love and forgive herself and forgive others. That she can grow, make mistakes, and emerge better and stronger from the mess. That making mistakes and even becoming a bit unhinged are  strengths in and of themselves.

Devaluation and Tragedy in the Global South | PRE x Culture

Time and again, the disparate attention paid to tragedies in the Global North and Global South reveal underlying inequities and injustices, ones which we must unlearn.

The New Kids in Town

What truly is Generation Z? Who are we? What do we stand for? What is our role in the context of all our preceding generations? In spite of accusations of privilege and laziness, Gen Z is poised and armed with unique tools to have a positive and lasting influence on the world.