30.7 F
Monday, March 3, 2025
30.7 F
Monday, March 3, 2025
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Demography, Destiny, and Delusion: The Racism of Pandering

The true litmus test for morally sound, effective political action is whether it addresses the inequalities that persist along racial lines in American society.

Let’s Talk about Sex Workers

Sex work is not immoral: It is work, and for many, work that is vital to survive. Stigmatizing this industry — both in our legal system and in the media — prevents fair investigations of crimes against sex workers.

“Don’t Touch My Crown”: The Future of the Natural Hair Movement

To ensure that the natural hair movement remains salient in 2022, it is crucial that we codify natural hair protections nationwide and dismantle Eurocentric hierarchies within the community.

Newest Season of Never Have I Ever Gets Mental Health Stigma Right

The season depicts how rigid definitions of career success and anxieties about cultural preservation are used to shame mental unwellness while making a compelling case for more individuals to invest in mental healthcare. 

How Tom Cruise Replaced Uncle Sam

As threats to American hegemony evolve, so too does the Pentagon’s pro-military messaging in American films. There is no longer any certainty in winning or losing. The message is now woefully ambiguous: we must prepare for whatever is next.  

We Were Eight Years in Waiting

Bartlett’s play gets a lot right, though not necessarily in the right order.

Backward and Barbaric: How The Western Gaze Perceives and Portrays Homophobia in Africa

It’s time for the West to reckon with its legacy of homophobia and retire the idea of an “uncivilized Africa” for good.

Why Your Religion is Not an Excuse to Discriminate

As long as we say that bigotry is permissible so long as it comes from a deeply-held religious belief, we cannot be surprised when LGBTQ+ people are harmed.

What is Love? Don’t Hurt Me

Loving is surely the most complicated thing we ever experience, but queer love is further complicated by cishet hatred.


Every person who cares, posts, and donates helps amplify the struggle taking place in India and in our very own backyards. I am asking you to share in this burden of action and help us cultivate healing and justice.