59.1 F
Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Where Are The Autistic Women in the Media?

For many girls, our media’s one-note portrayal of autism invalidates individual experiences. As long as autism is predominantly represented through stereotypes, only a handful of individuals on the spectrum will benefit.

Where Are The Autistic Women in the Media?

For many girls, our media’s one-note portrayal of autism invalidates individual experiences. As long as autism is predominantly represented through stereotypes, only a handful of individuals on the spectrum will benefit.

Welcome to the #Markeyverse

Sen. Ed Markey’s air of authenticity — alongside the sneakers, the memes, and the legislative record — is drawing young people to campaign for Markey with a never-before-seen level of enthusiasm and creativity.

In Pursuit of a Childlike Ideal

ATLA’s childlike ideal shows us a model for returning to our original enlightenment. It shows us that we can be less like an arrow, and more like Sokka’s boomerang — we can finally embark home, to the child hero already waiting within us.

Spongebob, The Alternative, and The Art of Queer Failure

Spongebob serves paradoxically as a figure of queer disruption, an embrace of radical love and queered innocence, even in its commodified stat – not because of its independence from its means of production, but the consciousness of its fantasies.

The Other Face of Privilege

While an emphasis on “White privilege” is certainly warranted, it egregiously neglects another facet of the conversation surrounding demographic entitlement: privilege in financially secure diverse communities and the blissful oblivion of first and second-generation immigrants.

TikTok: The Summation of 2020’s Duality and Chaos

TikTok is fun, but the fun only veneers deeper considerations we’ll have to make as we accept that blend of public and private as fixtures in our daily lives. We will need to examine whether we want the perfected convenience of algorithmically-curated content, or whether it’s possible to reward breaking out of our bubbles.

The Appropriation of Avatar

American culture likes to identify its heroes and villains; Avatar the Last Airbender creators Koniezko and DiMartino are neither. For me, they are not “canceled.” But contrary to public worship, their work bears harm too.

Capitalism, Workism, and COVID-19

At present, with nowhere to go and no one to see but a calendar full of meetings, we must be more careful in walking the line between innovation and overwork, connected and enveloped before we are consumed.

Was She Really There?

This Wednesday, June 17, is Dalloway Day – a celebration both ordinary and extraordinary. Around the world, fans of renowned modernist author Virginia Woolf will pause to celebrate her 1925 novel “Mrs. Dalloway,” a story about a single day in the life of wealthy Londoner Clarissa.