How drug policy made in response to crisis misses the mark
In 2008, 50,000 kilograms of cocaine and 660,000 kilograms of marijuana were seized within...
Confronting prescription drug abuse
Prescription drug abuse is perhaps the most overlooked addiction problem in America today. According to the Office of National Drug Control...
Urban America
Volume 36, Number 2, Summer 2009.
Letter from the Editor
The Ten-Year Plan
Daring to end homelessness
The Future of Urban Education
The connection between economic diversity and urban renewalUrban areas have a tendency to build upon themselves. Perhaps as long as cities have existed, they...
Chicago’s ‘machine’ in the 21st century“Machine politics in Chicago started in 1871 as a partnership between saloonkeepers, brothel owners, and politicians,” Richard Simpson, former...
The importance of community-based responses to gang violence
Gang violence devastates American urban life. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, in 2000 there were...
The future of urban transportationWhile Washington debates the economic mayhem surrounding bailouts and foreclosures, a more mundane phenomenon quietly imposes tremendous economic costs on...
Affordable housing in uncertain timesAbout 12 million Americans spend more than half of their annual income on rent or mortgage, according to the U.S....
How long-term factors drive municipal economies
In May 2008, the city of Vallejo, Calif. became the first urban victim of the global financial crisis when...