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Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Fall 2009

Fog of War Volume 36, Number 3, Fall 2009 Letter from the Editor Front Section Bursting at the Seams IAN MERRIFIELD Drug incarcerations, prison overcrowding, and community corrections Escaping...

Fog of War: America's Drug Policy

Critics have long derided America's "War on Drugs" as a mistaken moniker. Anti-drug policy, they argue, has no defined mission, no coordinated enemy, and...

Let Us Now Praise Famous Losers

Life after losing the Presidency Among the flurry of political maneuvering and intrigue surrounding the vacancy of Edward Kennedy's Senate seat came the interesting proposition...

Reassessing Plan Colombia

Turning from the coca fields to the cocaine market While anti-drug policy rarely makes headlines in American politics today, the issue dominates politics in Colombia....

Escaping the Poppy Field

American anti-opium efforts in Afghanistan Afghanistan's war-devastated economy has one booming sector ­- the country produces 90 percent of the world's opium. Money from this...

Quelling Qualms

A look at marijuana decriminalization in Massachusetts On Nov. 4, 2008, Massachusetts became the twelfth state to decriminalize possession of less than an ounce of...

Fights over Federalism

  States gaining voice on drug laws When Richard Nixon declared a "War on Drugs" in June 1971, he had little idea that he was also...

The Taboo Solution

The silenced economics of legalization In 1998, the satirical newspaper The Onion boldly declared "Drugs Win Drug War." Satire aside, the headline embodied the increasingly prevalent...

"Cracking" the Disparity

How the debate over crack cocaine sentencing has moved beyond race In 1986, amid America's crack epidemic and the associated violence in inner cities, Congress...

Bursting At the Seams

Drug incarcerations, prison overcrowding, and community corrections America's prisons are overflowing. According to the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2007 over 1.5 million...