38 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025
38 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025
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Kids, COVID-19 and Preschool over Zoom: Stunting educational progress and exacerbating inequities amongst America’s youngest children

Given the significance of holistic early childhood development, the consequences of the current vastly altered learning environment will likely follow children as they progress in their educational careers and beyond

Kids, COVID-19 and Preschool over Zoom

The lack of childcare, preschool and other educational opportunities during the pandemic is stunting educational progress and exacerbating inequities amongst America’s youngest children.

The Neurology of Loneliness

In the face of an unprecedented rise in social isolation due to the coronavirus crisis, millennials and Gen Z'ers have come up with innovative solutions to help stave off loneliness. Will it be enough? 

The Lonely OD: America’s Opioid Crisis Meets COVID-19

It is perfectly feasible to provide resources that help reduce the loneliness of those suffering from opioid addiction while respecting social distancing mandates. The solution lies in expanding empirically proven harm reduction strategies that ensure that all individuals who use drugs do so safely and responsibly. 

Protests Are Necessary, but Must Be Safer

Institutional racism poses a serious danger to the health and safety of Black people. But the crowded and chaotic character of these protests poses a similarly lethal threat to the lives of immunosuppressed Americans.

Kennedy’s White but He’s Alright: Lessons From a Blue-Eyed Soul Brother

On the night of April 4, 1968, despondent presidential hopeful Sen. Robert F. Kennedy climbed onto the back of a flat-bed truck in the...

Do Police Protests Work?

A Harvard Open Data Project offers compelling evidence that BLM protests decrease police violence against Black individuals as well as the population at large.

Prisons Are a Pandemic

The violence of prisons and jails is not incidental. Death — be it social, civil or physical — is fundamental to their existence.

Police are a Racket

The police are a racket. We can only survive without them, and Fred Hampton provided an excellent model for how to do so.

Capital and Violence

The capitalist state harms human life, brutalizes communities, and reinforces oppressive hierarchies — forms of violence that make property damage pale in comparison.