38.6 F
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
38.6 F
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Books & Arts

Django Unchained

Despite its historical inaccuracies, Django Unchained is entertaining in ways that only a Quentin Tarantino movie can be.

Silver Linings Playbook Won't Win Best Picture — But it Should

David Freed explains why the understated realism of David O. Russell's film makes it the best of the year.

Ben is Back

David Freed reviews Argo, the film that establishes Ben Affleck as a talented director and actor once and for all.

In Defense of 'Zero Dark Thirty'

Ross Svenson responds to criticism of the depiction of torture in Kathryn Bigelow's latest film.

A Royal Affair and Foreign Films at the Oscars

Barbara Halla analyzes the appeal of foreign films in the U.S.

Oscar Picks and Predictions

HPR writers explore the 85th Academy Awards.

Moonrise Kingdom: The Masterpiece that the Oscars Ignored

Wes Anderson's newest film deserves to be nominated for the Best Picture Academy Award.

Ugly Truths: The Casual Vacancy

J.K. Rowling's debut adult novel is a first-hand look at various manifestations of disappoints and failings of human nature.

A Year in Reviews: No Easy Day

Corey Pletan reviews one of the year's most talked-about books, surrounding the operation to take out Osama bin Laden.

'Lincoln'’s Deception

Steven Spielberg's new movie is another example of Hollywood mistreating issues of race and gender.