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Friday, October 25, 2024
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1712 Articles

Faust on Fossil Fuels

President Faust's letter on divestment reads more like a politician's press release than an thoughtful statement from an intellectual to her intellectual community.

The Culture Crisis

Because today’s direction of art depends on audience reception, our overwhelming tendencies for the kind of art that Stravinsky may have unintentionally espoused, the canon of kitsch, is harming our cultural climate.

The End of the Road?

Today's government shutdown has been a long time coming.


NoHomophobes.com is a Web site that aggregates some of the most common homophobic phrases used on Twitter. The website allows viewers to see live statistics...

When Law Isn't Enough: The Health Ultimatum

Republicans undermine the legislative process through their government shutdown antics, while Democrats contribute to the problem by dismissing any changes to ObamaCare.

Don't Hold Us Hostage

The American people voted last November to keep the man who signed "ObamaCare" into law in office; Republicans need to give up the fight.

Boston's Next Mayor: A Primer

Marty Walsh and John Connolly advance in the race to become Boston's next mayor, demonstrating the power of organization and financial support.

StreetTalk – Boston Preliminary Municipal Elections 9/24

Avika Dua and Troy Heidtmann go out to the preliminary municipal elections in Boston to talk with voters about the candidates and the issues that are important to them.

Divestment Building: Seen and Heard at Alumni Divestment Rally

An alumni protest is one of several events this week pressuring Harvard to divest from fossil fuel related funds.

Charlie Cook: Political Analyst and Founder of the "Cook Report" (Part 2)

Staff Writer Zak Lutz sits down with Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report to talk about electoral reform and journalism.