40 F
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
40 F
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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1712 Articles

America's Mayors

Featuring new interviews with the mayors of Indianapolis and Orlando.

War Games

The United States is facing a range of challenges in an era of cyber warfare.

Christine Quinn on the Latest in the Fight Against Sexual Violence

"Sexual violence is not actually about sex. It’s about power and control." – Quinn analyzes the fight against sexual violence on college campuses.

Political Suicide

Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich's suicide raises concerns about when political discourse goes too far.

Towards a Linguistic Singularity

People around the world have, in a sense, become their own dictators; they are actively debasing their native languages in favor of English.

Towards A More Equal Harvard: Examining the Next Frontier of Financial Aid Progress

Harvard has the opportunity to continue to push the frontier of financial aid across American higher education by reducing or removing the work contribution.

Icon under Pressure: Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Caught in Australia's battle between coal and coral, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger.

Deck of Cards: An HPR Original Series, Chapter 3

As one door closes for Congressman Fred Overtree, another door opens.

Martha Coakley on Her Career in Law & Politics

"Those are not opportunities that you get to do in the private sector" – Coakley discusses her work in public office

Too Burnt to Function

Spring Break musings, literature, and nostalgia for John Harvard’s gold foot