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Friday, October 18, 2024
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1712 Articles

The End of the Dreams of a Generation

As men decide to walk only on Earth, it seems as if the dreams of an entire generation – to walk among the stars, to go where no man has gone before – are slowly falling into the ancient pillars of history.

The Real Calculus of Online IP

We're missing the issue we should really be concerned about: the practicality of enforcement.

What If No One Wins? A Brokered Convention Is Possible

If neither Romney nor Gingrich can unite the GOP, a chaotic convention may lie ahead.

The Decline and Death of Violence

Are we living in the most peaceable era of our species’ existence? "Better Angels of Our Nature" by Steven Pinker

Harvard says, "Namaste!"

Building the Harvard-India partnership

A Bitter Wind Blowing

The Super PACs and lackluster candidates are to blame for the vicious campaign season.

Building a Nation

The Roadmap to South Africa’s Constitution

A Unitarian Constitution

How Hungray’s Conservative Wing Wrote a New Constitution for Itself

The Making of the President, 1789-2012

Cracks in the electoral college's application have emerged, prompting calls for reforms to change the system.

Keystone Confusion

From the Archives: Obama's rejection of the pipeline will result in jobs lost and worse environmental results