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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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1712 Articles

99 Problems, Eaten Camel is One

Breaking news from The New York Times: As if President François Hollande of France did not have enough trouble with a stagnant economy and a scandal over his former budget...

GOP Challenges Exposed: Rand Paul's Visit to Howard University

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) gave a speech at Howard University today where he sought to rebrand the Republican Party to the largely black student...

The Incubation Period: Why Stanford's Startup Culture is Only the Beginning

Stanford's startup culture is not antithetical to a university education, but, in fact, redefining this education.

The Gentle Mask of Intolerance

On the consequences of Buddhist violence in Myanmar.

A New Kind of Paternalism II: Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg has behaved more like a king than a mayor.

What Our Leaders Could Learn from the New Pope

President Obama and Washington politicians should follow the simple example of Pope Francis I.

Why We Write

The forward-thinking millennial generation opining on the future

Why Promised Land Doesn’t Deliver

Reviewing Matt Damon and John Krasinski's latest film on the implications of hydraulic fracturing

The Digital Economy

The future of the business of the Internet

Can Today’s Social Movements Succeed?

The future of the Divest Harvard and social choice fund campaigns