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Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Charles Hua

6 Articles

Objectivity, Compassion, and Representation in Photojournalism: An Interview with Ryan Christopher Jones

Ryan Christopher Jones is an award-winning photojournalist and regular contributor to The New York Times, ProPublica, and The Washington Post. His work often centers stories of labor, migration, and identity across the United States and Mexico.

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables: Will Small Businesses Weather the Pandemic?

In this moving photo essay, staff writer Charles Hua documents how small businesses in Cambridge have grappled with COVID-19. As he depicts the vibrant city’s efforts to reopen, he asks: What have we lost? And how will we recover?

Campaign Finance: How did Money Influence 2020 U.S. Senate Elections?

The explosive growth in the cost of U.S. elections has continued to raise questions about the role of money in politics and its degree...

Youth Skepticism Toward Social Media in Politics

Young people have been some of the most vocal skeptics of the role digital and social media platforms play in America’s political system. Through an analysis of the Spring 2021 Harvard Youth Poll, the HPR sought to better understand the role that young Americans envision for Big Tech companies in American politics.

Praising Paris: Our Last Best Chance to Tackle the Climate Crisis?

The Biden Administration faces little room for error as it balances pressures from environmental advocacy groups and Republican lawmakers domestically and allies and adversaries abroad.

Whose Future Is It Anyways? Youth Diverge on Catalyzing Change

Although young Americans are united in their belief that institutions should change, they possess fundamentally different views about how government should do so.